‘GMP+ gives us the opportunity to grow’

In its early years, East Grain focused mainly on the trade of quality malted wheat, covering the grain markets of Romania and Hungary. Since the company’s founding, its range of products has grown from the basic cereals to oilseeds and a wide range of other raw materials for the feed industry, as well as fertilizer-type products.

Name: Vincze Tamás & Pásztor Attila
Company: EastGrain/Cargolog
Headquarters: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Because of its expanding business, East Grain created its own independent logistics company. Cargolog provides tailor-made solutions for the transport of bulk and packaged goods in Central and Western Europe.

“Since Western European clients ask for GMP+ FSA certification, becoming certified has certainly opened up new business opportunities for us. The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme helps us to create better safety measures, provides us with a framework on logistics, and increases transparency.”

“We are also very pleased with the amount of information and data available online, as it makes our jobs even more efficient. We follow newsletters and regularly check updates and information shared online to keep up to date. The GMP+ Academy is easy to access and contains a lot of useful information. We also plan to attend webinars and want to look into other training opportunities to be able to better share information with our partners and colleagues.”

“Since we became certified, we have better control, clearer procedures, and dedicated employees to deal with safety issues. When faced with new requests or issues from our partners, a GMP+ Registered Consultant is always available for advice. The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme gives us all the tools necessary for competing in the European feed market for years to come. We would certainly recommend GMP+ FSA certification to our partners, because of the countless business opportunities it offers, as well as increased visibility. GMP+ gives us the opportunity to grow.”