‘GMP+ certification is highly valued by our customers’

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Marcopolo Comercio S.L., part of Gruppo Eurovo, an International Poultry Group based in Italy, produces eggs intended for human consumption, as well as pasteurised liquid eggs for the food industry. In addition to owning almost 3 million layers, Marcopolo owns a feed factory that supplies its production farm. The company only depends on other parties for the purchase of one day-old pullets and feed materials.


Name: Beatriz Gallego
Company: Marcopolo Comercio S.L.
Certified since:
Certified for:
GMP+B1 production of compound feed + production of compound feed                         
                     GMP+BCN-IP Specific requirements for Iberian Peninsula

“Feed and food security are essential for our company. Before implementing GMP+ FSA, we had our own control system based on a HACCP procedure, but the implementation of the GMP+ scheme has led us to improve in several aspects of production. GMP+ encourages you continuously to improve quality and food safety and to never lower your guard.”

“GMP+ certification is highly valued by our national and international customers, which indirectly allows us to enter markets that are increasingly demanding in terms of food safety. Being certified made it possible to enter Central European egg markets. For this, KAT certification is required, which in turn requires certifying the production of animal feed. GMP+ International also carries out comprehensive assessments of the risks of raw materials. This tool is very useful when assessing the risks of our raw materials and the methods of controlling them.”

“I would definitely recommend GMP+ FSA. In fact, some of our suppliers have been certified and others are in process. GMP+ International’s philosophy of chain-wide control with regard to food safety is of vital importance.”